New Zealand Mathematical Society

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Activities of the Society

Mathematics Colloquia

The NZMS promotes and supports the annual New Zealand Mathematics Colloquium.

  • The next Colloquium will be held in Auckland, 9-13 December 2024

See also a list of upcoming conferences.

NZMS Seminar Series

A series of mathematics talks held via Zoom was initiated in September 2021. Past talks and announcements of future talks can be found here.

Support for Early Career Researchers

The NZMS is establishing a cross-institutional mentoring scheme for early career researchers. Expressions of interest can be made via this form.

Early career researchers are also encouraged to join the ECR Facebook group.


Forder, Aitken and Maclaurin lecturers are chosen for their eminent contribution as a research mathematician and their ability to speak effectively at a more popular level. See history for lists of past Forder, Aitken, and Maclaurin Lecturers, Visiting Lecturers and Colloquium Lecturers

Forder Lectureship

The Forder Lectureship was established in 1985 following a bequest to the London Mathematical Society from the late Professor Henry George Forder (Professor of Mathematics at the University of Auckland 1934-55).

The Forder Lectureship occurs every two years (in even-numbered years) when a mathematician from the UK, who is a member of the London Mathematical Society and normally resident in the United Kingdom, is invited by both Societies to give lectures at most universities in New Zealand over a period of four weeks.

Aitken Lectureship

In 2009, the London Mathematical Society and New Zealand Mathematical Society established a new lectureship which is named after Professor A. Aitken, one of New Zealand’s great mathematicians.

The Aitken Lectureship occurs every two years (in odd-numbered years) when a mathematician from New Zealand is invited by both Societies to give lectures at different universities around the UK over a period of several weeks.

Maclaurin Lectureship

The Maclaurin Lectureship is a reciprocal exchange between the New Zealand Mathematical Society and American Mathematical Society. A New Zealand and a United States-based mathematician will tour each other’s countries on alternate years between 2011 and 2017, with the lecturers to be chosen by both societies.

The lectureship is named after Richard Cockburn Maclaurin (1870 – 1920), who studied at Auckland University College – now The University of Auckland – and Cambridge University, and won the Smith Prize in Mathematics and Yorke Prize in Law. He was Foundation Professor of Mathematics at Victoria University College, as well as Dean of Law and Professor of Astronomy. In 1908 he became President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and helped transform that institution into a world-class research-based technological university.

Colloquium - NZMS Lecturer

The Society supports a nominated plenary speaker at each year’s Mathematics Colloquium.

Colloquium - Butcher-Kalman Lecturer

The Butcher-Kalman Invited Speaker fund provides financial backing for nominated early career researcher to give a plenary talk at the annual Mathematics Colloquium. The recipient must be a New Zealand resident mathematician who is within ten years of completion of her/his doctoral degree. The fund is managed by the NZMS, and was made possible by generous donations from the Margaret and John Kalman Charitable Trust and New Zealand Mathematical Chronicle Funds.


See also: