By-Laws of the New Zealand Mathematical Society Incorporated
Date of the Annual General Meeting:
The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the NZ Mathematics Colloquium at the same venue as the Colloquium.
Subscription Dates:
The annual subscription shall be payable in advance and is due on 1 January in each year.
Subscription Rates:
The subscription for Ordinary Members for any calendar year shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting in the previous year. The subscription for Institutional Members will be determined by the Council in each case.
Dates for Taking up Office:
The Council and elected officers shall take up their positions after the Annual General Meeting in each year.
Geographical Distribution:
At least two of the Council members shall be residents of the North Island, and at least two shall be residents of the South Island.
Each nomination of an Ordinary or Honorary member for the office of Incoming Vice-President, for a vacancy on Council or a nomination for the position of Auditor shall be put forward by two Ordinary or Honorary members of the Society. The nominations, including the nominee’s consent, should be received by the Secretary not less than four weeks before the General Meeting at which elections are to be held.