
Every year the NZMS hands out awards for mathematics research and contributions to mathematics in NZ.

NZMS Research Award

2024 NZMS research award went to Stephen Marsland

The NZMS Research Award was instituted in 1990 to foster mathematical research in New Zealand and to recognise excellence in research carried out by mathematicians in New Zealand.
Stephen Marsland with NZMS president Melissa Tacy

The NZMS Research Award was instituted in 1990 to foster mathematical research in New Zealand and to recognise excellence in research carried out by mathematicians in New Zealand. This Award is based on mathematical research published in the last five calendar years (2020-2025). This could include research published in books, journals, other peer-reviewed venues, or other types of high quality mathematical research.

Eligibility. To be eligible for the Award, a candidate must be a current member of the NZMS and must have been residing in New Zealand for the last three years.

The five year assessment period may be adjusted to take into account career breaks. Candidates may contact the NZMS President Prof Bernd Krauskopf in confidence for clarification of how the adjustment of time period applies to the their particular circumstances.

Nominations should include the following:

  • preferred name and affiliation of candidate;
  • statement of general area of research;
  • a CV including: distinctions awarded, full list of graduate students supervised, full list of grants received (including names of co-investigators), full list of
    publications (including names of coauthors); publications from the 2020-2025 assessment period should be highlighted;
  • if appropriate, a justification for an adjustment of the assessment period to take into account an interrupted career pattern;
  • if the candidate chooses, a short (no more than half page) statement detailing the effect of COVID related disruption on their research output;
  • an electronic copy (pdf) of each of the five most significant publications (selected from within the assessment period);
  • a clear statement of how much of any joint work is due to the candidate;
  • names of two persons willing to act as referees, though the judging panel may approach referees other than those nominated;
  • the referees should be chosen carefully; in particular, they should not have a conflict of interest and they should be able to give scientific insight into the work to
    be assessed. It may be easier to avoid a conflict of interest by choosing international referees; and
  • a citation, of maximum 40 words, summarizing the mathematical research underlying the application.


Unsuccessful applicants from 2024 will be invited to update their application so that it can be reconsidered in 2024.

Nominations should be sent by email to the NZMS President,   Bernd Krauskopf, by 31 August 2025. Submissions should state clearly that they are for the NZMS Research Award. Candidates may nominate themselves.

A judging panel will be appointed by the NZMS President, and the panel makes recommendations to the President for the Award. No person shall receive the Award more than once. The Award consists of a certificate including an appropriate citation of the awardee’s work, and will be announced and presented at the New Zealand Mathematics Colloquium Dinner in December.

The Research Award for 2024 was presented at the NZMS Colloquium to Stephen Marsland (Victoria University) “For his contributions to a wide variety of mathematical theory and applications, from the geometry of the diffeomorphism groups to geometric descriptions of birdcalls and the use of this in estimation of population abundance”

Recipients of the Research Award
Recipients of the NZMS Research Award
Year Name Award Details
2022 Noam Greenberg For contributions and significant advances in computability theory, proof theory, set theory, computable structure theory and algorithmic information theory.
Recipients of the Early Career Research Award