2021 Annual General Meeting3pm on Tuesday 7th December, online via Zoom (link distributed by email).Agenda of the 47th Annual General Meeting of the NZMS Apologies: Peter Donelan, Graham Weir Please email further apologies to the Secretary phillip.wilson@canterbury.ac.nz. 1. Minutes of the 46th Annual General Meeting 2. Matters Arising The annual returns for 2020 (audited accounts) are available in two parts here and here. 5. Appointment of auditors. Motion: "The current auditor, Nirmala Nath from the School of Accountancy, Massey University, to be re-appointed as Auditor" 6. Membership secretary’s report and setting membership subscriptions for 2022 7. Election of NZMS Council members
A vote for the 1 Council position will be conducted via electronic ballot, details to be given at the AGM. 8. Forthcoming colloquia
9. Update on Forder and Aitken lecturers 10. Report on the NZ Journal of Mathematics 11. Correspondence (if any) 12. General business (if any) |