Hosted by:

New Zealand Mathematical
Society Colloquium

Run by the New Zealand Mathematical Society
4 – 6 December 2012
Massey University, Palmerston North
» Other Colloquia

Online Registration

Personal information

First name:
Family name:
Name for name badge:
Post code:
Telephone: (mobile preferred)
Mobility or other
special requirements:


Please indicate if you will be attending the following. These events are included in the registration fee.

    Registration Get-together, Monday evening: yes   no

Meals and Dinner

Dietary requirements:

The Colloquium Dinner will be held on Wednesday at Wharerata, the Massey University Staff Club, 19:00 – 23:00. The Dinner is included in the registration. Extra tickets can be purchased at a cost of $55 each.

    I will be attending the Colloquium Dinner: yes   no

    and I require extra tickets ($55 each)
    Dietary requirements for any guests:


Please indicate whether you intend to present a contributed talk or a poster, and give the subject area. You will need to submit an abstract online by 31 October using the link provided at the conclusion of registering.

I wish to present a talk

I wish to present a poster

Registration Fee

To 31 OctFrom 1 Nov
Student and NZMS member $155 $180
Student and NZMS non-member $180 $180
Non-student and NZMS member $270 $320
Non-student and NZMS non-member $320 $320
Plenary speaker

Hostel Accommodation

If you want accommodation in one of the student hostels then please select the nights required:

Monday night, 3 December
Tuesday night, 4 December
Wednesday night, 5 December

The cost for bed and breakfast is $67 per night.

Next step

When you have completed the above information please