Hosted by:

New Zealand Mathematical
Society Colloquium

Run by the New Zealand Mathematical Society
6 – 8 December 2011 : University of Auckland
» Other Colloquia

Rangitoto from Savage Memorial

Tamaki Drive

Tamaki Yacht Club

Engineering School

Engineering Building, The University of Auckland


The 2011 Colloquium, Tuesday December 6 to Thursday December 8, will be jointly hosted by the University of Auckland and AUT University.

The annual Colloquium brings together the mathematical community of New Zealand while welcoming overseas visitors to join us.

Time will be dedicated to the discussion of all aspects of pure and applied mathematics.

Talks will be given by internationally recognized leaders in the field and also by emerging researchers and postgraduate students.


Plenary Speakers

Number Theory Satellite Meeting — Monday December 5

Probably running from 10:30 to 17:00. There will be no fee to attend this meeting.

Abstracts here:


$320NZMS non-member/late registration (after Monday November 21st)
$270NZMS member
$160Student (or $180 after November 21st)

Abstract submission

Deadline extended to: Monday 31 October 2011


Engineering School, Symonds Street, University of Auckland

Building 401/403 on University Map

Google map showing building

Travel Information

From the airport to the city I suggest the following transport:

In both cases it is not necessary to book a ticket in advance.


The Colloquium Dinner has been organized for Wednesday at the Tamaki Yacht Club on Tamaki Drive.


Several accommodation options are provided here.

Contact us

Steven Galbraith
Dept of Mathematics
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Tel +64 9 373 7599 ext 88777 or 85886

Web-related issues: Email


We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organizations for this event: